How To Choose The Best Cosmetic Veneers In Sydney

Invisalign vs Veneers

There comes a time in some of our lives when we feel like we need a little sprucing up. For some, cosmetic surgery such as breast implants and liposuction will do. However, what about structural and cosmetic dental care?

Porcelain Veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures treating structural and cosmetic dental issues. But, with the endless range of veneers available, it is important that you consider your face along with other factors before choosing the best veneers at a Sydney cosmetic dentist.

When booking an appointment for veneers in Sydney, make sure that during the consultation, you speak to your cosmetic dentist about your needs and ask for recommendations on which veneers will suit your mouth and face. Some of the variables to consider include:

The Colour Of Your Teeth

When determining the right porcelain veneers in Eastern Suburbs, your cosmetic dentist will take you through a standardised dental colour chart before you can make a choice. There are four categories on this chart: grey, reddish-yellow, reddish-brown, and reddish-grey, with eleven sub-categories with different tones. In your choice, make sure, as your dentist will tell you, to choose veneers that are two shades lighter than your natural teeth colour.

The Shape Of Your Teeth

Just as important as selecting the right coloured veneers, you also need to consider the shape so that you have the dream smile you’ve always wanted. All our teeth are different, so it may feel overwhelming when you see the endless combinations you have to choose from. For this reason, you may, depending on the cosmetic dentist you choose in Sydney, find a smile library to help make the choosing or elimination process easier. Make sure you enquire with your cosmetic dentist about this or find out how the choosing process is made easier so you can find the perfect fit!

Face Shape

Your face plays a major role in the veneers you go with. There are four shape categories that the average face falls under heart, oval, round and square, and with each face, there’s an optimal tooth size and shape so that your features and veneers work seamlessly.

Face Shapes For Porcelain Veneers


With heart-shaped faces, rounded and shorter veneers work best.

Oval Shaped

These faces require square teeth. This helps wide and add fullness to your face.

Round Shaped

Here, go with longer and more pronounced porcelain veneers.

Square Shaped

If you have a square face with a defined jawline, make sure you choose rounded veneers for softer features.

If you’re looking for your next veneers fix in Sydney, get in touch with our professional cosmetic dentists at Kennedy Dental Cosmetics.


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